Why Introverts Make Great Podcasters


Six reasons why Introverts were meant for Podcasting…

A common misconception about what it takes to be a compelling podcaster is that you have to be an extrovert with a big personality who loves the spotlight and has the gift for gab.

The truth is, none of those qualities are essential for being a successful podcaster. In fact, introverts inherently possess many of the traits that fit beautifully with podcasting and it’s a medium that lets them shine.

About 1/3 of the population identifies as introverted, and while there are varying degrees of being an introvert, we tend to:

  • Enjoy our own company

  • Be self-aware

  • Be deep thinkers

  • Need time to process

  • Be energized by deep conversations

  • Enjoy meaningful connection with others

If you identify as an introvert and you’ve been thinking about starting a podcast, here are six reasons why podcasting and introverts are perfectly matched.

6 traits that make Introverts great podcasters

  1. Enjoy solitude – Introverts enjoy solitude, so you won’t mind spending the alone time required for creating important components of a podcast, like researching guests, writing interview questions, scripts, show notes, and editing episodes. The amount of time behind the mic is small compared to the rest of the time spent on focus work. This is perfect for introverts who need alone time to think and recharge.

  2. Thoughtful & Intentional – Being intentional comes naturally to introverts, which means that the content you put out is usually quality, well-thought out, and impactful. Being thoughtful is important when developing each part of a podcast, starting with the mission of the show to brainstorming topics to creating assets. A good example of where thoughtfulness is invaluable is when writing show notes. This process requires podcasters to listen to the interview for the most important points, pull in helpful links and quotes, and write copy that communicates the value to listeners.

  3. Great Listeners – Introverts are typically natural observers and take in more information from their environment than others. When you’re used to being quiet and taking in what’s around you, not only are you a practiced listener, you’re also able to pick up on nuance. Listening skills are invaluable when interviewing because you can help your guests feel seen and heard by asking insightful questions which ultimately leads to better conversations.

  4. Self-Aware/Learners – Introverts tend to be self-aware and love learning. The time you spend time expanding your knowledge about a variety of things helps you to connect to others in different ways. This is helpful when you’re doing things like writing interview questions and conducting interviews because you have a strong desire to understand and learn from others.

  5. Value Meaningful Connections – Introverts prefer deep, long-lasting relationships, and typically hate small talk. Podcasting creates introverts’ ideal scenario: a 1:1 meaningful conversation around a specific topic. Besides connection, each interaction with guests is also a way to expand your network in a way that feels organic.

  6. Learn by watching – Introverts like to learn by watching others perform a task until they feel like they can do it on their own. Before starting your own podcast, you have the option of listening to other shows first to get a feel for how it’s done. Then, when you’re ready to record, you can practice somewhere private, knowing that you can edit your mistakes before hitting publish. This removes the pressure of going live and satisfies a tendency that many introverts have towards perfectionism.

Introverts often prefer to stay in the background which means putting yourself out there will initially feel intimidating. However, a quality and successful podcast requires many of the characteristics that introverts naturally have. Plus, the world benefits from seeing the world through different points of view.

Podcasting will allow you to show up in a way that feels authentic and aligned with who you are and showcase your very best qualities. That’s why I encourage introverts to lean into your strengths and grab the mic.

#podcasting #introvert #strengths