How Podcasting Changed My Life


4 Ways Podcasting Helped Me Own My Voice

I’m one of those people who rarely raised their hand in class, struggled to speak up in meetings at work, and felt completely uncomfortable being the center of attention. It’s my introverted nature to prefer being a wallflower. And there’s also some societal and cultural conditioning at play that teaches women to stay small and avoid attracting attention. 

In the middle of my corporate career, I realized how much staying quiet was holding me back and that corporate culture rewards people who speak up. So I took on projects that would require me to present in front of people, signed up for Toastmasters, and tried to develop my public speaking skills. But nothing has had as much impact on my ability to speak as starting my own podcast. 

It might seem like I’m being hyperbolic when I say that podcasting has changed my life but, in a short amount of time, it’s given me the confidence and experience to put myself out there in ways that I never would have dreamed of. Which has created opportunities and opened doors that have helped me and my business thrive.

If you’ve been holding back from starting a podcast because you’re afraid to share your voice and be more visible, here are a four ways my life has changed for the better by starting a podcast.

#1 Improved my public speaking

Writing scripts for episode intros and solo shows and recording them has been a great way to practice sharing my knowledge and experience. I use fewer filler words like ‘um’ and I’m able to articulate myself clearly, concisely, and with confidence. Also, speaking to guests has helped me get comfortable with the Q&A format, which is essential when being interviewed by others. I understand the cadence, and what a “good” response sounds like, it’s helped me be a better interviewer and guest speaker.

#2 Expanded opportunities

I’ve met amazing people on my show and it’s resulted in fun speaking opportunities like, being on podcasts, doing IG live collaborations (which was both scary and fun!), and being a guest speaker and industry/networking events. Connecting with like-minded people has resulted in collaborations that feel organic. My podcast is also content that I use to pitch myself to complete strangers for speaking engagements and PR opps. It’s a body of work that tells people who I am and what I’m able to speak about.

#3 Reinforced my purpose

For me, there’s nothing more important than doing meaningful work that impacts others. I believe wholeheartedly in the mission behind my show and with each episode I learn how to hone in on my ‘why’. My podcast has allowed me to double down on my goal to share diverse stories in the travel space and to make travel feel accessible for everyone.

#4 Gave me confidence

The confidence I’ve gained through podcasting has hands down been the biggest benefit. Podcasting has given me the confidence to stop holding back and boldly own my space. I know that I have something to say that’s worth sharing. It’s helped me to reimagine what’s possible for myself and motivated me to try things I wouldn’t have dared to try before.

So my friend, if you’re like me, back before I started my podcast - you know you have something to share but are scared to put yourself out there - know that taking a step towards owning your voice and sharing your gifts with the world will be a game-changer in your business and your life.

Have questions about starting a podcast? Reach out to me and let’s talk about how podcasting can help you own your voice, grow your business, and engage with your followers.  

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