Who Am I to Start a Podcast?


Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

It’s common to struggle with self-doubt when we’re thinking about starting something new. So much of our success depends on our mindset - the beliefs we have about ourselves and what we’re capable of.

When I was starting my podcast, I struggled with several limiting beliefs like questioning who was I to start a podcast and wondering if anyone would listen to what I had to say. Luckily, I found ways to work through these limiting beliefs, and today, I have a podcast that I love.

If you’re feeling trepidation around starting a podcast and but know in your heart it’s something that you would be amazing at, in this blog, I’m sharing the most common beliefs that can hold you back from pursuing your dreams - especially when it means putting yourself out there or trying something new - and how you can overcome them. 

#1 Imposter Syndrome

When we feel like a fraud and question our abilities.

Never podcasted before? Remember that everyone experiences a learning curve when they start something new which means that you won’t know what you’re doing at first. And that’s okay. By showing up, you’re learning and will eventually become the podcaster you want to be. The best way to overcome imposter syndrome is through action. It stops overthinking and allows you to gain clarity and build confidence. I hope after reading this you’ll see yourself as the podcaster I know you are!

#2 Perfectionism

When we strive for unrealistic goals of “perfection” because we’re seeking evidence of our worthiness.

First, it’s likely that you’re your own worst critic and you're less than perfect is probably amazing to someone else. Practice focusing on the journey instead of the outcome or what other people will think. Try reframing “mistakes” as learning opportunities and be kind to yourself.

#3 Comparisonitis

When we constantly measure ourselves against others. Usually, we deem ourselves as “less than.”

We’re usually comparing our “day one” to someone else’s day 100. Remember that your journey will look different from others and that you’re right where YOU need to be. Instead of comparing yourself to others in a way that keeps score, try being inspired by what other people have accomplished and know that you’ll get there in your own time.

Which of these limiting beliefs resonate with you? Are there other limiting beliefs that you’re struggling with?

#podcast #stretchgoals #limitingbeliefs #impostersyndrome #perfectionism #comparosinitis