Purposeful & Profitable Podcast

Clarity & Strategy Coaching Session

During your 30-minute session we'll look at the clarity, mindset, strategy, and action that goes into creating a purposeful and profitable podcast.

We'll explore your bigger vision for your podcast and how it supports your business goals, your needs, challenges, and how I can support you in creating a podcast that brings listeners and leads into your community every month.

And, if it feels like a good fit, we'll discuss what it would look like to work together to launch/scale your podcast.

You'll receive a confirmation after booking along with a pre-call questionnaire. Your responses are completely confidential and will only be seen by me. This is your space to share more about your business, goals, and what you're looking for in a podcast to ensure we're able to make the most of our time together.

Please take a moment to fill this out and answer the questions at least 24 hours prior to our scheduled call. This is a requirement for our time together and is reflective of your commitment, dedication, and respect for coaching.

This is a no-pressure consultation. As someone who needs time to digest and feel into my next step, I give you the space to do the same.

I'm looking forward to connecting and supporting you!